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CS:GO Cases on white.market

You know that thrill before you open a case in Counter-Strike? Oh, yeah. This is one of the most enjoyable moments in the game. Even the skin itself is not as important as this priceless feeling.
Unfortunately, it is not often possible to get a case on your own. But at white.market they are available at any time — come, buy and open! Plunge into the world of unique CS:GO cases from white.market — the favorite marketplace of true CS:GO fans.
Whether you're a professional eSports player taking headshots at official matches, or just a casual gamer who enjoys playing for fun, the right skin makes all the difference. And it's not just about looking cool, it's about expressing your unique gaming personality.
But why white.market, you ask? white.market offers an elevated experience for users. It’s not just another suspicious trading bot. It’s a community-driven P2P platform where every transaction is transparent, secure, and, most importantly, automatic. No intermediaries — no scams!
Explore CS:GO / CS2 Cases on white.market
Have you ever found yourself on Dust II and seen a player with a Dragon Lore or Karambit skin? And you think: maybe he bought it for a lot of money. Or maybe he just got lucky with the case. Who knows…
Weapon cases, Operation cases, Patch packages, Capsules, Keys — find anything you want on white.market!
Why pick CS:GO / CS2 Cases? Firstly, every CS:GO player knows the adrenaline rush of opening a case. It's not just about the item; it's about the journey. The anticipation, the click, and bam! That surreal moment when you unbox something epic. The secret item in the box may cost more than you could imagine!
Große Vielfalt an Kisten in CS:GO / CS2 auf white.market
Die CS:GO-Arena ist riesig. Es gibt rund 2000 Skins mit unterschiedlichen Variationen. Einige kosten nur wenige Cent, andere bis zu $10.000 oder sogar mehr!
CS:GO Weapon Cases Official Odds
Due to laws passed by China’s Ministry of Culture, in 2017, Valve was forced to publish the official odds. So now we know exactly what the chances of getting skins of each rarity class are.
Marineblau (Selten)79.92%
Lila (Mythisch)15.98%
Heißes Pink (Legendär)3.2%
Rot (Antik)0.64%
Gold (Äußerst selten)0.26%
*Only relevant for standard Weapon Case
Try your luck. Perhaps today, fortune will smile on you, and you will win Karambit Fade or AWP Dragon Lore. Then, for just a few dollars, you can get skins that are worth thousands of dollars! Keep them to show off in battle, or sell them for a good price here at white.market.
Check out the available CS:GO cases:
How to Buy CS:GO / CS2 Cases on white.market
Cases are a win-win lottery. You may get a more or less epic item, but you are guaranteed to receive some kind of prize. Here's how to buy a case on our marketplace.
Step 1: Log In via Steam
Click the “Log In“ button at white.market. To link your CS:GO inventory to the marketplace, you only need to log in with your Steam ID.
Note: Make sure your account is set for trading:
  • Confirm your email on white.market
  • Activate Steam Guard (if you haven’t yet)
  • Make sure that your privacy settings on Steam and your inventory are set to “Public”.
  • If you haven't set up a Steam Trade Link on white.market yet, please do so in your profile.
  • Set up an API Key on white.market.
  • Install the white.market’s Google Chrome extension or download our mobile app for safe trading: Google Play / App Store.
This will take about 5–10 minutes.
Step 2: Deposit funds with a card or crypto
Click “Balance“ in the upper-right corner. Next, click the Plus symbol to choose the deposit type. Any of the accepted currencies, including PLN, TRY, EUR, UAH, and others, as well as cryptocurrencies, can be used for deposits.
Step 3: Browse and Choose a Case
Use filters to navigate. For example, click “Souvenir only” or, vice versa, “Skip Souvenir”. You can also filter cases by rarity, price, date and so on.
Same CS:GO cases have the same odds. So, if you see two identical cases for different prices, choose the cheaper one.
How to Sell CS:GO / CS2 Cases on white.market
Got some cases lying around, but are you not a gambler? Thinking of banking some cash (or crypto) from them? Ez!
You must first log in via Steam and set up your trading account before you can begin. Let’s go through the steps one more time:
  • Log in via Steam ID;
  • Confirm your email;
  • Activate Steam Guard;
  • Make sure your inventory is set to “Public“ on Steam;
  • Set up a Steam Trade Link on white.market;
  • Set up an API Key on white.market;
Cryptocurrency Transactions
white.market is one of the few CS marketplaces where you can trade items for crypto. Blockchain transactions have their advantages.
Cryptocurrency doesn't just sound cool, it acts the part too. Crypto is one of the safest ways to transfer funds. Banks have been hacked many times, and no hacker has yet succeeded in hacking Bitcoin.
Global reach
You're not just playing CS:GO on your local server; you're going global. Shouldn't your marketplace do the same? With cryptocurrency, boundaries blur. No matter if you're trading from the realms of the Greek islands or the bustling streets of Istanbul, cryptocurrency ensures a seamless, universal transaction experience.
Trade CS:GO / CS2 Cases for crypto or your local currency. It’s up to you.
CS:GO / CS2 skins are available at white.market
There is a 100% chance to get a skin out of a case. But what if you want THE skin? Trying to get a specific skin in a case can take a very long time. It's easier to buy it directly from the owner.
We have over 250k skins for sale right now! Check out the categories:
Are you a seller or a buyer? Choose your team and start trading!
Buy Counter-Strike Cases on white.marketSell Counter-Strike Cases on white.market